We do whatever it takes to solve your business problems; eliminate the roadblocks and implement, sustainable, effective and affordable solutions to organisational challenges that stabilise, improve and optimise the performance of your business.
Every business is anchored by the specific expertise, knowledge and skills of its owners and leaders, usually supported with sound accounting and financial advice (internally or externally and often both) but in today’s complex, compliance focussed and ever changing world it’s what you don’t know that consumes your energy and increases your risks and that’s where we come in!
We give you access to over 30 years of senior leadership experience in construction, building services, facilities management, manufacturing, supply chain, retail, recruitment / labour hire, franchising and information systems supported by an exceptional network of specialist partners in branding, legal, accounting, and business reconstruction. We can be your virtual……General; Human Resources; Health and Safety; Business Development; Information Technology and Learning and Development managers on an ad hoc, project specific or ongoing basis.
Our success is your success and our value is creating value across your business by optimising your processes, empowering and improving your people (or exiting those that don’t want to improve!), implementing simple, cost effective and sustainable compliance solutions and getting better value from your supply chain.
That’s what we do… close the gap between your performance and potential!
Workplace Health & Safety Solutions
When Workcover NSW offered funding to deliver an Industry Wide training and communication programme presenting the changes, challenges and compliance requirements of the new Work Health & Safety Act, Regulations and Codes of Practice ExecuCon were successful in delivering it across 60 locations to over 200 organisations over an 18 month period.
The most consistent message in the feedback from participants captures the essence of our approach to Workplace Health & Safety…
”ExecuCon make WHS relevant, simple, but most importantly business savvy, You actually want to invest in Safety when you hear their message because it just makes sense. They take away all the traditional obstacles of cost, paper work and confusion. It’s the way it should have always been and it’s about time someone has started leading the way” Allan Martins, Managing Director - Manufacturing Organisation. Sydney
ExecuCon have been developing innovative, paperless, Safety Management Systems in manufacturing, construction, retail and distribution since 1997
Recruitment Optimisation
If the phrase wasn't invented by us it was certainly created for us!. The undisputed fact is that until ExecuCon started offering recruitment organisations a legitimate alternative to supporting their software systems, processes, database maintenance and staff training needs they were locked in to the software provider. Which is fine if you can afford to pay whatever price they quoted (did you have a choice?????) and if you were prepared to accept that anything that was wrong or didn't work was a user issue or a database configuration issue or a skills problem BUT NEVER the Software…and there was of course always a five digit fix or customisation if you weren't prepared to change your business processes to suit the software… NO MORE!
You should and do have a choice... It's your business, your investment, your reputation and your success so you can choose how, who and at what cost your system support is delivered.
You wouldn't use software companies to place candidates, so don't use them to train your teams, de-clutter your processes, eliminate the whiteboards and post-it notes and get value from your investment?
Fair Work Advocacy
Unfair; Unlawful or Adverse Action claims can drain your energy, divert your focus and destabilise your business. Don’t let circumstances get the better of you or the distraction of an often vexatious, frivolous and vindictive claim distract you from your good employees, customers and business opportunities. We have been engaged in positive Industrial Relations management as business leaders, Human Resources Practitioners and Industrial Relations experts for over 20 years.
Our success before the Fair Work Commission for clients large and small from SME’s to Global Multinationals is exemplary and at a much smaller cost than expensive Lawyers who may have a great understanding of the Law but a not so great understanding of business and the realities of day to day business life!
An obligation free telephone consultation will give you the context, confidence and clarity you need to get back to your business and let us manage the distractions... and remember we only advise employers in Fair Work Matters because we passionately believe that there are already far too many people supporting the rights of employees and it’s about time more support was given to the rights of business owners and leaders!